New Babies

On Saturday I got to visit both the Gee's and the Fitzsimmons at the hospital. They were just down the hall from each other!
Both of their brand new baby girls are adorable!

^ The Fitzsimmon's new girl ~ so much hair!

^ The Gee's new girl ~ she's sooo little!


  1. k I just read your "Memories" post and it was like I was right back babysitting you in your apartment. You have an impecable (sp?) memory! And yes skorts & denim...your mom always dressed you sooo cute. My favorite memory is that you would sit at your window at your kitchen table and I would come and talk/play with you for long periods of time on your porch. Also, when you pronounced your name as, "Adria Brooke Shit." I'm not cussing, I'm just quoting.

    on your 25 random you said you only like water & choc milk. When you were little you LOVED Juicy-Juice, guess you're over that stage.

  2. Heather says, "Mom! That's Jessica! She looks like she's mad at you." So funny!
