I nanny a set of twins twice a week. Their names are Tate and Chloe. They are three. They are so silly and so much fun! They say the funniest things. The other day, Tate was like, "Ow, my
ankle!" And he was holding his elbow. And I said, "Tate, that's not your elbow." And Chloe goes, "Yeah Tate, this is your
ankle." Tapping his knee. Lol We've been to the
dino museum, swimming, and recently to Spoon Me! They totally fell asleep on the way there, but I think they enjoyed it.
Lol. Dave and I wanted it more than them but shrug. Food is food!

Sleepy face!

And a random fab pic of us. Thanks to our photographer, Megan!

Wedding is in August!
So, is it official then? We need a pic of the ring!