St Patricks Day Feast


In the time we have been married, we have celebrated St.Patty's Day like it was Thanksgiving! Since Bear is Irish and loves all things Irish, I have come to love it too! I feel I finally have a pretty good corned beef and cabbage recipe down. Honestly, as we grow our family and grow old, I hope to always keep this tradition of St Patrick's day being akin to Thanksgiving in our family! I hope you enjoy these yummy recipes to create a festive feast of your own!

For the Corned Beef and Cabbage;

I have tried a few different recipes over the years, but have found that simple is better! I always make it in the crackpot and simply add the meat and veggies all together, sprinkled with the seasoning packet included with the roast, and cover it all with water. Some people toss and replace the water half way through cooking to avoid it being too salty. And I found I only needed to do this when I was following a recipe that added lots of extra seasonings. But simply just using the seasoning packet that usually comes with a corned beef, there is no need to deal with the hassle of replacing the water.

[wprm-recipe id="8183"]

Simple enough, right?

For the Irish Soda Bread;

[wprm-recipe id="8185"]

And finally...

Bailey's Chocolate and Caramel Irish Cream Cupcakes 

I found this lovely recipe thanks to Pinterest. Head over to the blog, Tidy Mom for the recipe! I will admit, the recipe looked daunting at first, and it was a little time consuming, but it was really fairly easy, turned out perfect and was so delicious! I don't think I have ever been more overjoyed with a first time batch of cupcakes! I am not kidding! You will love these. And that ganache... Oh my... It is positively to die for! My only critique was I made about half the frosting and I still had TONS of leftovers! But that is really my only complaint!

I know these aren't exactly an authentic Irish dessert, but the ones I have tried I haven't loved. If you have one a favorite, please share!!

Enjoy! And happy St.Patty's day my friends!

I leave you with an Irish blessing....

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