Farmers Market

Each year, around this time in Salt Lake City, at a huge park a few blocks up from the Gateway they have a farmers market. I may be weird, but I love farmers markets. They are soooo entertaining to me. I love to see all the unique things to buy and taste the amazing and delicious foods. It all smells so good. But my favorite part is all the people. It's so diverse and they're all generally friendly. I love it.

I know I'm weird.
We (The Family) went to it on Saturday. And this time I got to use, skillfully (decently) the camera.
I ate yummy honeydew. It was so sweet and fresh. At one of the first "booths" we went to was a girl serving up wonderful looking salads. They were selling a bunch of organic stuff. (They were also burning incense that brought back fond memories and made me ache for more.) We bought two jars of pesto (that were both very good and nearly all gone now = D).
As we moved away I told my folks how pretty I thought the girl (who rang us up) was and how much I liked her hair. My folks told me to ask for a picture of her so I can base my hair cut off hers. My dad came up with me and told her we had a crazy request and I asked. She laughed and was plenty willing.
We bought a few types of yummy bread, and a few headbands (

I saw a cute little boy with lots of hair that went out in every direction.

Near the end we came to a man making balloon animals. He made Christina and Jessica a dog and a monkey. I requested a ninja. He made both me and Megan one. They turned out pretty awesome. Mine (the black one - Halloween colors!) is holding swords and Megan's' (grey) is holding nunchucks.

Bravo balloon-animal-man!

After all that we drove to this warehouse place. Inside it was basically and total mess. The ways through the place were narrow. It was basically a maze. There were so many old things, they looked like they belonged in a castle. Chairs were thrown in piles. Dressers were stalked on one another. There was even a stuffed lion, and I'm pretty sure it was totally real. As I walked around I half expected a dusty old hand to reach out and grab me. It was creepy in all it's awesomeness.

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