If you have not gotten your paper invite yet you can visit our website! (Yup, we have a website)
We want every one there! So please come!
Things are getting settled! We finally got a car this weekend! Getting a car is the biggest pain in the rear!! We don't have much credit, which means we don't have really any debt, and we make a good amount of money each month, but we're a "thin file" so we either get a ridiculously high interest rate or put half down or get a co-signer...
It's like if you are wise with your money, and have no debt and in turn no credit, you can't buy a car, even though you could easily afford a payment. But someone who has tons of debt and is hardly getting by, but has decent credit can be in and out the door with a shiny new vehicle. Dumb broken system...
But after two weeks of slaving we finally have a pretty little red Hyundai! There are still a few loose ends to tie up, but we have it and <3>
On Saturday we signed some car jazz. Decided on suits for the wedding. And spent the day at the beach! If you can call it that... I have heard a good deal about and so we decided to test it out. It wasn't too shabby! We should have brought tubes or something, and we wish the sun and come out from the clouds, but it wasn't too chilly, and free!
To get there take Bangerter, turn left on 13400, turn left on Monarch Meadows pkwy, turn right on Juniper crest Dr, right on Emmeline Dr, left on Ashland Ridge and there you'll find it, Is a little bit difficult because you go through a neighborhood but is worth it! the exact address is 14900 s. Ashland Herriman.
So we are going on a cruise, not sure where, later this year, like November we are thinking. But we are still taking time off after our wedding. We are going on a tour of Utah. We have a list of some things that would be fun to do, but we want more for our list, so please share! Nothing too common. Any favorite restaurants, whether they be a little higher in price, or shockingly delicious hole in the walls. Also fun activities, or breath taking hikes...
Have I mentioned that I love that picture of you guys? Romance novel cover worthy.