Work at my part time job has been sooo slow. So what do I do for 5 hours a day 5 days a week when I don't have access to Photoshop?
I explore.
And oh the things I have found!
I have been inspired to the R word. Re-design.
Our apartment is cute but it could be much much more and has shown me that.
They have so many fun, easy, and affordable decorating tips and ideas that inspire me to become super crafty.
This lady painted just a plain rug into something so cute! She was inspired by a fairly pricey rug, and not wanting to pay... did it her self! Her Blog
Some ideas on some blogs are odd... Or not my taste. But some are so fun!
I found this....
What a cute way to hang Christmas cards! (Found on Apartment Therapy.)
Now all I need is a slightly bigger (non-basement) apartment (and one adorable dog). Aka, I want a dog. A lot.
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