4th of July

We are getting nice and tan thanks to having a pool just maybe a 3 minute walk from our house. Really! I can just about see it from my bedroom window. We go almost every day. 

The view from the side of the pool. Not too bad, eh?

And side note - I am a big fan of videos being on Instagram now. I loved Vine, which allowed you to make 6 second videos, but the app sucked, frequently crashed, and NO ONE I know used it. But I love seeing the occasional video on Instagram. I really think videos will become more of a frequently used form of sharing, maybe even more so then pictures. 

And this was my view on the 4th. It was a really hot and humid day! Yuck! So, of course, we spent a good chunk of the day at the pool.

After swimming Dave and I made family for the dinner. We have been on a grilled pizza kick. OH SO GOOD! I'll be sharing a couple recipes soon. You will thank me! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th!

Oh, and this happened;

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