We took Christina tubing in New Braunfels. There weren't many people there, but those who were there were..... Interesting. There was lots of loud, crude music and we often smelled pot.... Hahaha but regardless, it was still a good time. We joked that maybe we needed to just get our own waterproof speaker and blast some MoTab, hahaha.

Be sure to enjoy this video of me tipping out of my tube after going through the chute. If you listen carefully the video starts with me saying, "I never tip." Hahahaha! I am good at jinxing myself.
View this post on InstagramThis video starts with me saying “I never tip” and then ends with me tipping out of my tube 😂😂
After our mostly relaxing float along the river, we got some lunch at a cute place called Tin Top Burgers and Beer. It was so good and I can't wait to go back! It was in the cutest little blue house, and in the back corner of the house was a little ice cream shop. Hands down THE BEST ice cream I have ever had. We tried a flight of flavors but then went back for more because it was all so good!

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