"Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it"
Saw a friend post the above quote from Anne of Green Gables on Facebook and felt it was very fitting for what tomorrow will be for Dave and I. I realize Lent technically started on Wednesday -- but I wasn't really sure if I want to do my own. Granted we are not normally ones to practice Lent but this is our own Lent in removing things we feel we would be better without and see how we feel at the end of it, and for some of the things maybe removing them permanently. I am also proud to say this year is probably one of the first years (at least that I can remember) that I have kept my New Years resolutions in mind and have been working on them.
In looking over my resolutions I am pretty proud to say I have stuck to most of them.
In regards to my work, I am going to stay where I am at. But I have been working on just being more positive. And it sounds a little... Hippie? Is that the word I'm looking for? But it has helped. I still have hard days but it does help.
In regards to my diet... "I have actually decided to go on a lactose free diet. I will give my self one free day, because let's be honest, I love and enjoy food, with a passion. So if I want ice cream, I will have ice cream. But portion control will be a big focus as well. I want to start shopping and cooking all organically"
Fail. For the most part. It goes in waves every week. I just love food. Definitely been making less baked goods! Which is pretty amazing for me.
Minimal on working out. I started walking (although I didn't walk at all last week, last week was insane!) It's just walking, but getting out of the house does some me some serious good. Although this video makes me feel better about just walking.
I am proud to say we have been better with our finances. Not perfect, far from it, and still have done our fair share of shopping and eating out, but better.
Other random resolutions;
Learn how to put on eyeliner Check
Buy a house,or find a place to rent that's allows pets Not going to even bother renting. In the midst of the house buying process now!
Adopt a dog Once we buy a house! Which, pray to the Lord is sooner rather then later.
Travel at least 3 times, out of state with the hubby, and hopefully out of the country at least one of those times Spring Break is planned, not fully, and possibly not out of state, just to Zions and MAYBE to Vegas depending on where we are at with the house buying process.
Go somewhere awesome for my 21st birthday
Cook more unique, gourmet meals Fail
Perfect my alfredo recipe. I think my alfredo is the best of all, but it needs to be a little more thick and more flavorful This does go against my healthy eating. But I would like to work on this still.
Perfect a pizza crust recipe. I have a pretty good one, but I wish it was crispier Have tried two recipes so far. I think the third time will be the charm.... Here's to hoping.
We love homemade Gyros -- I just need to find a perfect pita bread recipe Not yet
Finish the redecoration of our bedroom by May Getting there! Really, the final piece is the bed stands.
Read and write more Semi Check
I want to do more artful sessions. Fail -- feeling way too busy, but hoping to change that soon... Also plans to start a new "branch" of my business.
Take better care of my hair - be more creative in my hair styles I haven't exactly been more creative but I have not been putting it up in a pony tail. Mainly because I had noticed it was starting to hurt my scalp!
Get a professional mani/pedi Not yet
So Lent --- yes I am adding even more things I want to work on -- this list ins't exactly things to work on -- just things to remove;
No Dairy. Officially
No red meat
No sweets
No soda
No eating out (mainly fast food, but no Excessive eating out)
No seconds (at meals)
No swearing (uh.... I have kinda started swearing like a sailor. Oopse.)
No stress (and this one is obviously probably the hardest, at least for me because stress is a every day, every hour, every minute sort of thing for me. But I just want to work in taking things in stride and taking a moment to breathe)
Are you giving up anything for Lent?
And wanted to share this photo with yall (click for larger)
Proud to say this photo has Minimal editing, brightness and contrast, boost of color and sharpening. That's it. Kinda proud about it.
Thanks for reading!
In looking over my resolutions I am pretty proud to say I have stuck to most of them.
In regards to my work, I am going to stay where I am at. But I have been working on just being more positive. And it sounds a little... Hippie? Is that the word I'm looking for? But it has helped. I still have hard days but it does help.
In regards to my diet... "I have actually decided to go on a lactose free diet. I will give my self one free day, because let's be honest, I love and enjoy food, with a passion. So if I want ice cream, I will have ice cream. But portion control will be a big focus as well. I want to start shopping and cooking all organically"
Fail. For the most part. It goes in waves every week. I just love food. Definitely been making less baked goods! Which is pretty amazing for me.
Minimal on working out. I started walking (although I didn't walk at all last week, last week was insane!) It's just walking, but getting out of the house does some me some serious good. Although this video makes me feel better about just walking.
I am proud to say we have been better with our finances. Not perfect, far from it, and still have done our fair share of shopping and eating out, but better.
Other random resolutions;
Learn how to put on eyeliner Check
Buy a house,
Adopt a dog Once we buy a house! Which, pray to the Lord is sooner rather then later.
Travel at least 3 times, out of state with the hubby, and hopefully out of the country at least one of those times Spring Break is planned, not fully, and possibly not out of state, just to Zions and MAYBE to Vegas depending on where we are at with the house buying process.
Go somewhere awesome for my 21st birthday
Cook more unique, gourmet meals Fail
Perfect my alfredo recipe. I think my alfredo is the best of all, but it needs to be a little more thick and more flavorful This does go against my healthy eating. But I would like to work on this still.
Perfect a pizza crust recipe. I have a pretty good one, but I wish it was crispier Have tried two recipes so far. I think the third time will be the charm.... Here's to hoping.
We love homemade Gyros -- I just need to find a perfect pita bread recipe Not yet
Finish the redecoration of our bedroom by May Getting there! Really, the final piece is the bed stands.
Read and write more Semi Check
I want to do more artful sessions. Fail -- feeling way too busy, but hoping to change that soon... Also plans to start a new "branch" of my business.
Take better care of my hair - be more creative in my hair styles I haven't exactly been more creative but I have not been putting it up in a pony tail. Mainly because I had noticed it was starting to hurt my scalp!
Get a professional mani/pedi Not yet
So Lent --- yes I am adding even more things I want to work on -- this list ins't exactly things to work on -- just things to remove;
No Dairy. Officially
No red meat
No sweets
No soda
No eating out (mainly fast food, but no Excessive eating out)
No seconds (at meals)
No swearing (uh.... I have kinda started swearing like a sailor. Oopse.)
No stress (and this one is obviously probably the hardest, at least for me because stress is a every day, every hour, every minute sort of thing for me. But I just want to work in taking things in stride and taking a moment to breathe)
Are you giving up anything for Lent?
And wanted to share this photo with yall (click for larger)
Proud to say this photo has Minimal editing, brightness and contrast, boost of color and sharpening. That's it. Kinda proud about it.
Thanks for reading!
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